we're on a search for the kid in the post below. if you know his name or how we can contact him let us know at thepantherstarship@gmail.com he's got some boards and shirts with his name on it from us.
tomorrow come out to adrift from 12-5 to bbq, skate, and meet the adidas canada team.
wojtek and nick are on a trip, calum and al went to lobster island, whiskey is missing (actually), and now i'm stuck with apow. who the fuck wants to be stuck with apow?!
speaking of whiskey, anyone know where he is? i asked around and all i got was this
boards should be here soon. right after that keytar solo.
got a txt early this morning from claumton saying that al and calum murray-lawson are the new additions to the baitshop team alongside of nick genova and wojtek. high fives were exchanged and boners were made.
speaking of nick and wojtek, they leave today with jeff comber and the rest of the adidas team to embark on a trip across canada.
zach bastien came down from texas to party with the panthers. beer were drank, high fives were exchanged, and then zach passed out on the bathroom floor. he took these photos of claumton. we shall miss you lil guy.
claum sequence when i figure out how to make gifs. so never.
panther starship will be having an ad in vice magazine next month so we decided to have some drinks, start the bbq, and initiate a half naked girl parade. observe
looks like i'll get back to updating this thing every day and stop being such a wuss. the other day nick genova brought over the first edit of the super top secret panther starship video and our reactions went something like this
calum murray-lawesome sequence up tomorrow. g-g-g-g-snoozer.
I woke up today and received the terrible news that Anthony Nedea, owner of AntiGravity skateshop, has passed away. Anthony was one of the most hilarious and genuine people I've ever had the pleasure of being around. I loved going into the shop and him making jokes that made little to no sense that would make me laugh all day. He was and still is the best and I'll always remember him for that. If it wasn't for him starting the shop Niagara Falls wouldn't have a skate shop or even a skate scene. Today is the day you go skate, have a drink in his name, and appreciate the finer things in life. R.I.P Anthony, you'll be forever missed by us all.