whenever arget hears some bizarre noise he imitates it for a couple minutes. i told him today about how i used to teach autistic kids for co-op and how they'd do the same. on that note, here's his interview from king shit posted up by trevor at the antigravity site. thanks dude. CLICK RIGHT HURR
arget usually lipslides man rails, but he settled for a front board down a handrail.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
we were filming for the panther video when this happened to whiskey the other day
it's been a while since i updated the blog and i'm sorry. we've been working extremely hard on getting the new graphic and website up. stay tuned and until then
king shit magazine is out now wherever skateboards are sold. it's free, awesome, and features a dan arget interview and a jesse landen cover. fuck yeah! click here for a preview
Friday, May 1, 2009
looks like calum and wojtek are getting hooked up from blade gear now here's their promo
so besides that, what's new? panther starship will be sponsoring the soon to be announced mini ramp jam put on by the baitshop and sumo skateshop. did i mention sumo is selling panther decks now? well there it is. also jimmy is working on the new graphic which will be revealed soon at another classic 751 party. as for 751 you'll find panther starship there tonight in full force for a party put on by panther pals wrap it up. see you there.